High-quality tray knives - serrated knives directly from the manufacturer

Our tray knives are the perfect solution for the packaging industry.With them, you can precisely cut the final contour of your packaging. We manufacture shaped knives and tray knives that are used in packaging and food applications.

At our company, we offer toothed cutting knives (form cutters), for all types of thermoforming/tray sealer/vacuum forming packaging machines.  Wir liefern eine breite Auswahl als Aftermarket-Teile kompatibel mit Traysealer/Tiefziehmaschinen von  Sealpac, Mondini, ULMA und Multivac. Wir bieten sowohl Standard- als auch kundenspezifische Größen und fertigen Präzisionsmesser für alle Arten von Industrien. Bei der Materialwahl für die Formmesser bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, gehärtete Ausführungen bis zu 58 HRC herzustellen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst von unseren hochwertigen Produkten!

Tray seal knives
Formschneidmesser - kreismesser

Cost-effective shaped cutting knives - circular knives made to customer specifications.

Our tray sealing blades, tray sealing knives, form sealer knives, and tray forming blades are used in packaging, food, paper, plastic film applications. During the sealing process, the heating element lowers and seals the film onto the tray. Then, the tray knife lowers and cuts off excess film. To ensure a strong seal and precise cutting, our tray knives are very sharp. You can count on us for our exceptional quality, on-time delivery performance and competitive prices.

Our tray knives are available in various shapes, sizes, and tooth configurations. If you provide us with a sample knife and additional information about your application or current issues, we will take care of the rest. 

Are you in need of a sharp tray knife?

When using our tray knife, you can be assured that all excess film will be cut precisely.